HS: Mais novidades inseridas na atualização!
Olá pessoal!
Com a chegada de “As gangues de Geringontzan” amanhã, algumas mudanças foram feitas no jogo, como dissemos no post anterior, e muitas coisas novas foram inseridas. Vamos a elas:
Novas quests
- Join the Goons – Ganhe 3 jogos como Caçador, Paladino ou Guerreiro.
- 2 Pacotes de “As Gangues de Geringontzan”
- Join the Jade Lotus -Ganhe 3 jogos como Druida, Ladino ou Xamã.
- 2 Pacotes de “As Gangues de Geringontzan”
- Join the Kabal – Ganhe 3 jogos como Mago, Sacerdote ou Bruxo.
- 2 Pacotes de “As Gangues de Geringontzan”
- Wise Beyond Your Years – Reach Legend 1,000,000 times.
- 1 Ouro
- A Job for Ya’ – Destroy 100,000 minions.
- 1 Ouro
Mais um fundo de carta foi inserido no jogo
Este fundo parece ser uma referência ao jogo Diablo. Com a remoção do “Heroes of Warcraft” do nome do jogo, imagina-se que outros personagens da Blizzard passarão a fazer parte de Hearthstone em breve. Mais abaixo, temos a descrição da taverna Diablo.
Novas imagens de Taverna foram inseridas
Novas receitas de decks
(Em breve as imagens em português)
- Druid – The Lotus’ Golems
- Channel the power of the Jade Golems. These minions get stronger for each one you can play, so play as many as you can!
- Hunter – Band of Beasts
- Those of you not scared of beasts have clearly never seen one with tons of weapons attached. Suit up your beasts and get ‘em out there!
- Mage – Kabalist Mixology
- The greatest leaders in the Kabal combine their powers into a mixture of fury! Your deck has only one of each card so your leaders can unleash their full power!
- Paladin – The Mean Market
- The Goods have helped you procure a few…implements. Power up the minions in your hand before sending them out on a job.
- Priest – Hidden Dragon
- Kazakus has always had a soft spot for Dragons. Combine his potions and their fiery might to overwhelm your opponents!
- Rogue – Gadgetzan Dockside
- The pirates are the closest thing to legitimate trade you’ll get in Gadgetzan. Dock your ship and let loose a tide of piracy to rush down your opponent.
- Shaman – Murloc Association
- One of Gadgetzan’s fishier districts plays home to roving groups of Murlocs. Once you get enough of them together, they can overrun the enemy with a well-timed spell.
- Warlock – Demons of the Kabal
- The Kabal traffic in some dark magics…Unleash your darker side and summon some of the most evil demons this side of Azeroth.
- Warrior – The Goons Empire’
- Use every trick in the Grimy Goons’ playbook to get one up on your opponent. Finish them off with a huge minion you’ve empowered in your hand.
Flavor Text
- Wrathion – Wrathion, son of Deathwing, is a dragon. Why isn’t he tagged as a dragon, you ask? WHAT, ARE YOU TRYING TO BLOW HIS COVER??
- Mayor Noggenfogger – This flavor text was randomly generated. If it happens to form words and make sense, that is purely by chance.
- Madam Goya – She has set up her Black Market here in Gadgetzan to make a KILLING when Beanie Babies make their inevitable comeback.
- Dopplegangster – “Every me, get in here!”
- Kooky Chemist – #abs
- Red Mana Wyrm – It has double the Attack. “Go on.” And double the Health. “Yes??” And its trigger has twice the effect. “WHAT???” And it costs… Five times more.
- Shadow Rager – WE WENT THERE!
- Getaway Kodo – Get to the Kodo! Now!
- Pint-Size Potion – I hope you didn’t disenchant your Shadow Word: Horror!
- Devolve – Ragnaros looked down. He looked like some kind of War Golem. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME.” he yelled. But all that came out was a deep grinding sound. He began to cry.
- Kabal Trafficker – She ships illicit mana crystals around the world in packages marked: FUNNEL CAKE.
Cartas de Contenda de Taverna
De acordo com o site Hearthhead.com, apesar de eles ainda não terem as informações no banco de dados, esses são os dados novos referentes às Tavernas:
Annoy-o-Tron vs Boombot
- Shredder Blade – Deathrattle: Place a Shredder Blade in your hand.
- Dr. Boom Boom Boom Boom – Battlecry: Summon six 1/1 Boom Bots.WARNING: Bots may explode.
- Boom Bot Brood – Hero Power – Deal 3 damage randomly split among all enemies.
- Boom Bot Brood – Hero Power – Deal 1-4 damage to 4 random enemies.
- Annoy-o-p-Tron – Battlecry: Summon Annoy-o-Tron and Psych-o-Tron.
Diablo Brawl
- Weapon Rack – Deathrattle: Current turn player gains a random weapon. (Weapon)
- Discarded Armor – Deathrattle: Current turn player gains 5 armor.
- Chest of Gold! – Deathrattle: Current turn player gains gold!
- Diabolical Powers – Summon a random Imp. (Hero Power)
- So Many… – Whenever a Hell Bovine Dies, draw a card. (Hero Power)
- Hell Bovine – Deathrattle: Place a copy of this card in your deck.
- Guardian – At end of your turn, deal 2 damage to the enemies opposite this minion.
- Hell Bovine Champion – Deathrattle: Current turn player gains a random weapon.
- Visions of the Assassin – Secret: When your opponent summons a minion with Stealth, All minions equip a dagger.
- Visions of the Barbarian – Secret: When your opponent summons a minion with Charge, THUNDER FURY!
- Visions of Hate – Secret: When both heroes have 15 or less Health, BRAWL!
- Visions of the Crusader – Secret: When your opponent summons a minion with Taunt, change all minions’ attacks to 1.
- Visions of Valor – Secret: When your opponent summons a Legendary minion, give all minions Windfury.
- Visions of Fate – Secret: When your opponent takes lethal damage… save him.
- Visions of the Amazon – Secret: When your opponent summons a minion with Battlecry, Summon a Mirror Image for both players.
- Visions of the Sorcerer – Secret: When your opponent summons a minion with Spell Damage, Summon 2 Guardians.
- Visions of the Necromancer – Secret: When your opponent summons a minion with Deathrattle, destroy it.
- Visions of Knowledge – Secret: When your opponent’s hand has 9 or more cards, reduce the cost of all cards in both hands to (1).
- Lightning – Deal 3 damage. (Spell)
- Summon Guardians – Summon two 2/4 Guardians. (Spell)
- Moo.. – Summon 3 Hell Bovines. Give all Hell Bovines Taunt. (Spell)
- The Portal Opens – Through the Nether and into… (Spell)
- Stampede – Summon 2 Hell Bovines. Give all Hell Bovines Charge. (Spell)
- The Cow King (Hero)
- Twisting Nether? – “This doesn’t look like Twisting Nether…” (Spell)
- Enigmatic Portal – At the start of next turn, your hero is transformed and sucked through the Twisting Nether. (Minion)
Iremos traduzir as novidades de acordo com o que for saindo.
Fonte: Hearthhead e Hearthpwn.